WordPress Reconsidered
I moved my websites off of WordPress several years ago due to the security problems I was having and the complexity of customizing themes. So I switched to Grav and found its straightforward approach was what I needed. I may be ready to use WordPress again.
Squarespace Customization
The Squarespace platform allows the web developer a lot of flexibility in creating unique designs. But, naturally, there are limits and some developers will want to go beyond them to create websites that are even more unique. Although not covered by Squarespace’s support team, CSS and JavaScript can be used by more advanced web developers.
Will Squarespace Be It?
My experiments in web development have led me all over the field of Content Management Systems (CMSs) from WordPress to Squarespace with stops at Kirby, concrete5, SilverStripe, Perch, Statamic, and Grav. Some of those have changed names and/or underpinnings, but clearly, I’ve tried too many.
Moving My Pictures (Again)
Consistent with my shifting attention in web development, I’ve had my photo galleries in all sorts of Content Management Systems (CMSs) over the years. My desire to simplify both my web development platform and keeping my images current has led me to Squarespace.
Exporting blog posts from one system to another (from Grav to Squarespace, in my case) is just too time-consuming and loses too much information. So my move to Squarespace is going to leave the older part of the blog behind.